Trusting the Process

So, the day before the submission.

*sigh of relief*

Before delving into my thoughts, I must say that Teaching and Learning unit has been rather engaging and insightful. I’ve learnt quite a number about my teaching practice, and just about myself in general.

Now, the submission.

As pragmatic as I can be, I have found balancing working on this unit submission along with work/creative and teaching practice, and running my business, more difficult than I’d thought.

I’m a strategist, so it’s natural for me ensure I have organised and structured myself and all I will require for completing the submission requirements. Fine, not a problem. The benefit of this unit is that a majority of the work required for submission is done during the course of the unit, which incredibly helps. Now, the difficulty I encountered is the Case Study.

1500 word in total across 3 different categories, simple right? No. I’ve never struggled to write 500 words – across all categories – in my life! The issue or rather, the conundrum I found myself was, I was thinking too much about content. Thinking too much about what I must write, what research I must do, and how I must do them all. Along the way, I forgot to just relax and write…eventually, I did do the latter and then I found myself writing too much, ha! Look at life. Anyway, so I don’t ramble, I eventually found a way to write what I felt was needed and at the word count befitting for each category.

It’s not been an easy process, but it’s been a learning process, and if the task as an educator is to help students with their learning process, I too, must do the same for myself.

*(Note to self: having a client deadline same day as University deadline is not wise nor advised)*

Many long and sleepless nights after, (my Macbook screen time calculated I averaged 13hrs, 28 minutes a day, leading up to submission), I can finally see the light…although, I’m unsure whether this light is metaphysical or sunrise, nonetheless, I can now lay my eyes and mind to rest…oh, Inclusive Teaching unit is knocking the door – time to wake up (so much for that rest!).

Thanks for tuning in (if anyone did tbh, lol) through the course of the T&L unit, and thank you for indulging me in my reflections.



One Reply to “Trusting the Process”

  1. Yes, tuned in! And locked on to the frequency here Timi:) haha. A very interesting post-Unit reflection and one that shows how you are continually working…not the laptop/screen time…but continually processing and reflecting on your process. This ability to be self-reflective (an overused concept that has almost become meaningless) is really one of ‘being present to one’s own experience and then having the motivation to investigate it for the purposes of development, learning, insight..’ Or something like that. Naturalistic common sense is not only overrated it can be dangerous, without the kind of critical self reflection you demonstrate in this entry. Overwriting can produce more material to edit down, that’s a plus; time management is underpinned by ‘energy management’ – sometimes doing less at the right moments, makes up more productive, and being willing to work out where we might improve next time; now that’s good ethics!

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